Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Agree In Future

I disagree because it used to be a lot of percentage or number of the highest in the Y generation can cause They're used to hard work, constant supervision, having Their opinions valued, always doing something interesting and juggling multiple technologies and a wide array of high-tech gadgetry . necessarily a flaw In our interviews with business leaders, members of Gen Y They experience as Ambitious and demanding, hypersensitive, and almost allergic to criticism. They are puzzled by the amount of "emotion" Gen Y employees add to the workplace. The combination of high intelligence and overexcitability explains many of the managers have Difficulties with Their Gen Y staff. every company requires a Y generation because: They are "multi-tasker" and know a lot about technology (Technology Savvy / Sophisticated Technology), they are familiar with the changes and ambitious, they like to be a volunteer.

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